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Off-label Use of Injectables

Often we hear or see advertisements for use of a product such as Botox® for injections in certain areas of the face but do not hear from the manufacturing company about its other uses. The FDA will not allow the manufacturers to advertise use of their products in areas for which they are not FDA […]

Start Early with your Anti-Aging Regimen

Most patients who seek anti-aging treatments start to get concerned with their appearance after most of the damage has already been done.  Years of excess sun exposure with no thought of the radiation damage that was being done to their skin and now they want it all to go away; many with the misconceived idea […]

Battle That Dry Winter Skin!

That dry winter weather can create chaos for all skin types. As the weather changes outside, you should be changing your skincare routine as well. Here are some do’s and don’ts. Washing I know it is cold outside and that long, hot shower or bath sounds so amazing but it is one of the worst […]

Post Bariatric

With the advent of a more health conscious society, more and more patients are losing weight through diet and exercise of weight loss procedures such as gastric bypass surgery. As a result of losing extra fat, many of these patients find that, although they look better, feel better and are healthier, they now have folds […]

Not Just Anyone Should Perform Liposuction

I spent most of the morning the other day trying to repair the damage done by another physician. The patient had undergone liposuction in the office of a doctor posing as a plastic surgeon. As a result, she had areas that were undertreated and multiple areas that were badly over-treated creating an uneven contour with […]

Quick fixes

Recommendation of the day: Stay away from ‘quick-fixes.’ The vast majority are filled with a lot more hype than substance. The only thing that most of them do is to quickly remove money from your wallet. I just had to council yet another patient on the lack of result that she obtained from a surgeon […]

Periareolar incisions

A recent article in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (October 2011) out of the United Kingdom documented a higher incidence of sensation loss of the nipple/areola area and more pain in the areola with breast augmentation incisions made around the edge of the areola compared to incisions made in the crease under the breasts. The incision […]

Is Permanent Better?

It is not infrequent that patients come in for cosmetic treatments such as Botox® or a filler like Juvederm® or Restylane® and ask about procedures that are more permanent so that they do not have to come back for more treatments. For many years, the only filler available was collagen, which lasted only a few […]

Liposuction and Breast Lift Recovery

How long it is going to take to recover from surgery and get back to work is a big concern for many patients who are considering plastic surgery. Two body contouring procedures that patients generally have the least amount of pain with and, therefore, the quickest recovery is breast lifts and liposuction. Many patients who […]

Facelift or Wallet-lift?

When considering who is going to perform your facelift, do you go with someone who is using an advertising gimmick to lure you in or do you select someone with years of training, true board certification and memberships in legitimate national societies like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic […]

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