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Introducing the NEW myHELPER!

This powerful, fast-acting treatment is a must have for unwanted blemishes to boost skin clarity and self-confidence and features 5% Benzoyl Peroxide that has been enhanced by MyBody’s advanced bioemulsion delivery system.  This system can eradicate p. Acnes bacteria more effectively and help minimize any redness and swelling. This pocket-sized pen can quickly and visibly […]

Loyalty Programs

Your physician benefits from your loyalty; you should benefit as well. At Advanced Aesthetic & Laser Surgery, we offer a loyalty program, which benefits our patients who return to our office for Botox®, Dysport®, Juvederm®, and the Restylane® Injection treatments in addition to the loyalty program offered by Allergan for Botox® and Juvederm® treatments and […]

Intravascular Injections

As injectable treatments for facial rejuvenation have become for popular, we hear more about some of the potential untoward consequences of injections. One of these is known as an ‘intravascular injection’ of fillers such as Juvederm® or Restylane®. When an injection is done, it is possible for the product to get into a blood vessel […]

Lipo Quacks

Over the past several years, I have seen dozens of patients who have had liposuction on their abdomens by physicians in Central Ohio that are not certified or trained in plastic surgery. Obviously, they see me because they are unhappy with their outcome. Unfortunately, they have been fooled by false certifications that imply that their […]

Tumescence Fluid

It is Tuesday evening after a full day of surgery. As is my routine, I called each of my patients to see how they doing. All three answered their cell phones almost immediately sounding perfectly well. One said she was doing ‘Great;’ the next said that she was ‘Absolutely perfect!’ and the third said ‘Outstanding.’ […]

Breast Fat Injections

The popularity of fat injections waxes and wanes over time. It becomes prevalent for a few years and then falls out of favor. What is different this time is that it is being promoted as a technique for breast augmentation. The supposed advantage is that it is the patients’ own tissue, with no foreign object […]

Medical Benefits from a Tummy Tuck

The major benefits of having an abdominoplasty are cosmetic in nature. These include flattening of the stomach, removal of excess skin and fat, tightening of the abdominal muscles and elimination of many unsightly stretch marks. In a recent study by Dr. McMahan, et. al., many patients who have urinary stress incontinence will get significant if […]

Bruising with Injections

Bruising may be the most common risk of Botox® injections. This can happen to anyone and is most common in the crow’s feet area because the skin is very thin and tends to show bruising more easily. The forehead and brow areas being much thicker so that a little bleeding may not result in a […]

Do Your Homework First!

Once again, I had another patient in my office today who is suffering from the effects of a laser treatment done by a physician who is not a plastic surgeon and has little, if any, training in aesthetic procedures. Unfortunately, state medical boards, in general, do not require physicians to work in their area of […]

The Term ‘Facelift’ is a Misnomer

The word ‘facelift’ for the surgical procedure that is commonly performed to rejuvenate the face and neck is not a very accurate term. First of all, your face includes everything from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin but a ‘facelift’ does nothing for the forehead, brows or eyes; aesthetic treatment […]

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